Parsirang Co.





Eggs are a food rich in protein, vitamins and essential minerals. which is used as a complete food for growth and health.

  Eggs are full of a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals, and this is one of the properties of eggs, which are a food rich in protein, vitamins, and essential minerals. which is used as a complete food for growth and health.Eggs also contain beneficial amounts of vitamins A, E, B5, and B12, as well as iron, iodine, and phosphorus, all vital nutrients to support your healthy, balanced diet. On the other hand, this food contains various rare nutrients that are important for health, and if you can consume organic or omega-3 enriched eggs, these eggs have even more nutrients.

Parsirang Egg Production Factory has operating license, 1,000,000 laying hens, 250,000 pullets and production of 18,000 tons of eggs per year, as the largest laying hen factory in the south of the country.

This factory has succeeded in producing healthy and organic eggs in various packages due to having specialized quarantine conditions, feeding chickens with appropriate formulations and also not using chemicals and artificial pigments during production.