Fars Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Company with Parsirang brand was established in 1368 and has the largest chain of laying hen breeding and egg production in the south of the country. This company owns 250 plots of land in Melosjan industrial town and performs various activities. The following description has been created directly for 500 people, and this production chain has the following different departments:
- Laying chicken production units in four production complexes with a capacity of 1,200,000 pieces and produce 12,000 tons of eggs per year.
- Poultry breeding unit (laying chickens) with a capacity of 350,000 pieces
- Animal and poultry feed factory with the capacity to produce 10,000 tons of animal feed per year
- Olive grove in the area of 120 plots with annual production of 1000 tons of olive fruit in canned form and olive oil
This factory has succeeded in producing healthy and organic eggs due to having quarantine conditions, feeding with appropriate formulations and also not using chemicals and artificial pigments during production.
The eggs produced from the collections are sent to packaging and are packaged with completely hygienic methods in all kinds of containers and distributed by the distribution unit throughout Fars province and neighboring provinces. is coming The neighbor is released.

Olives and olive oil
This company, having 120 orchards of olive trees with different canning and oil cultivars in Fars province, Melosjan region, produces and markets 1000 tons of quality olives every year. Flora extra virgin olive oil is directly extracted from healthy and free olives Any kind of chemical or heat treatment is done mechanically and the fruits are pressed with oiling machines equipped with the purest type of olive oil.
Also, every year Flora's canned olives are packed according to size (normal, extra large and large) and sold in the form of pitted and pitted olives.

Feed, poultry and aquatic animals
Sirang Feed, Poultry and Aquaculture Factory with a capacity of 12,000 tons per year, as one of the largest fertilizer production factories, has the ability to produce all kinds of feeds (pellets and mesh) in 2-10 mm sites.
In this factory, the quality of the produced feed is at the top of the agenda and is controlled as follows:
- Using formulations under the supervision of experienced experts
- Use of high-quality raw materials
- Accurate weighing of raw materials with automation system
- Control of production lines
- particle for direct object

Compost code
Considering the high-quality raw materials and using equipment and using technical and specialized knowledge, this company is launching the largest computer fertilizer production site in Iran with a capacity of 9000 tons per year using the latest technologies in this industry.
Compost is, in fact, organic matter analyzed in appropriate heat and humidity by fungi and other aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, which is very suitable for animal and chemical fertilizers.