Parsirang Co.


About Us

parsirang Company, established in 1368, has the largest laying hen breeding chain and egg production in the south of the country, as well as 250 hectares of land in the industrial town of Melosjan Bayza, which directly employs 500 and indirectly employs 750 people. has created employment. This production chain has the following sections:

Egg-laying units in four collections, in total 24 large halls with a capacity of 1,200,000 pieces and produce 12,000 tons of eggs per year under the Parsirang brand.

Poultry breeding unit (laying chickens) in a complex and 4 large halls with a capacity of 350,000 pieces

Animal and poultry feed production plant with the capacity to produce 10,000 tons of animal feed per year with Syring brand

Packaging unit (packaging eggs with a completely hygienic method in different types)

Distribution and sales unit (distribution and capillary distribution of products at the level of Fars province)

120-hectare olive grove with an annual production of 1000 tons of olive fruit, which is canned or olive oil under the Flora brand.

Compost production unit with high-quality primary materials with a capacity of 90,000 tons per year with Parsiberg brand
